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School Database Management System

Manage all your student data on the go with Student Database Management System. Record keeping is a major advantage. Just with few clicks any information retrieval is easily possible

School Database Management System

The school is a gigantic spot. Whereas, Huge data gets gathered consistently over the years for every student. The basic information such as name, class, date of birth, register number etc is collected. Extra details such as name and details of the parent/Guardian, telephone number, address adds value to the student profile. The other health details namely, medical history, food allergies if any are also added. To tame the behavior attitude and disciplinary records play a vital role. The academic details like class test marks, assessment marks add to the profile. Lastly, The parent information like annual salary, parent qualification, designation, attitude is gathered. Thus, the student database is very much needed for every school to generate reports.

This above-mentioned information piles up every year for a student and this data becomes vast as the years pass by. Dealing with this huge information ends up as a monotonous job. Another big task is retrieving them. Thus, it becomes even more difficult to search and sort out for files and records from the record room.  With the tremendous headways in innovation, the school management can deal with the floods of information. The school management system GegoK12 is the one single platform for all your data. GegoK12 is inbuilt with student database management. This is the smartest way to feed in all the data and thus it will be secured with cloud technology.

The Benefits of GegoK12

Store stack of information with Student information system

An organized and systematic data plays a vital role in the school’s development. Hence, the data available in the student information system serves as a primary record. The administrative staff and educators use the systematic data to further recreate documents. This hassle-free data is secured and is safely managed by cloud technology.

Stay up to date with the examination management system

Through the examination management system, the entire timetable scheduling becomes easier. The admin has to update the date, class, time and syllabus for every class for the upcoming examination. Once it is updated the same gets displayed in a scheduled template. Teachers, students and parents can check their mobile app for exam notifications. If there are any changes in the exam schedule the admin can update the same again. The updated schedules get displayed in the parents portal, teachers portal and students portal instantly.

Stack up the accurate attendance and reduce absenteeism

It is mandatory and the first job of the educator to mark attendance every day to have a check on the student’s regularity. Using manual attendance registers the heads / Principal needs to scroll down the pages. To have a check on the attendance history of the student many records are required. But with the attendance management system without moving a bit the heads/teachers could see the entire attendance history of the student.

Avoid late payment with the fee management module

In the student database management system, every student has his own profile under their respective class. This tool will display the fee details of the student. Along with that fee payment date and the balance amount left also will be displayed. This information will be useful for the parent to avoid late payment. Similarly, this tool will help the educators and the admin staff to check on the fee defaulters. Additionally, the parent will be getting regular reminders on the upcoming term fee and the last date of payment

Tame the student in the right way with disciplinary records

Disciplinary record is the student’s reflection. Thus even simple and small incidents have to be recorded. Using manual methods it is not possible to record every disciplinary action of the students. But at the same time, is possible with the student’s database management system. The educators can record every single disciplinary action of the students under the student’s profile. Parents will be notified in the parent’s mobile app or parents portal if any misconduct happens.


Monitor student’s regularity with Homework management system

Students generally hate writing homework. Due to lack of time sometimes they skip writing too and as a result, they will lack in regular school work. With the homework module, parents will be getting regular updates on the homework. Because of that, the parents can have a track of their ward’s progress towards school work. The student database management system connectes the parents on the go.

Get real-time feedback with the Assignment tracker

The assignment tracker tool will help the students to check on their assignments. This tool will give the students real-time feedback to improve the learning ability. At the same time, the parents can also know about their ward’s development. Hence student database management system will improve the student efficiency.

Know your ward’s potential using the Grading &Report card module

The report card will be available to the parents once the educator feeds in the marks. The grades will be auto-generated based on the grading scale. The student database management system tool is mostly loved by the parents to update themselves about their ward’s potential.

Get real-time feedback with the Assignment tracker

The assignment tracker tool will help the students to check on their assignments. This tool will give the students real-time feedback to improve the learning ability. At the same time, the parents can also know about their ward’s development. Hence student database management system will improve the student efficiency.

Stack up the accurate attendance and reduce absenteeism

It is mandatory and the first job of the educator to mark attendance every day to have a check on the student’s regularity. Using manual attendance registers the heads / Principal needs to scroll down the pages. To have a check on the attendance history of the student many records are required. But with the attendance management system without moving a bit the heads/teachers could see the entire attendance history of the student.

Cherish your Achievements and volunteer participation

Students should be always rewarded with certificates, appraisals. Student database management system tool will be helpful for the students to record all the achievements, volunteer participation, their interests etc. Using the database management system the teacher can filter the results about the student’s potential.

Frequently Asked Questions?

1. What is the Student Database Management System?

The Student Database Management  System is inbuilt with the school management software to automate all the raw data to a processed data. It includes student basic details, personal details, marks, report card, disciplinary records, Home work description, Attendance record etc. All the above-listed information will be listed in one single platform GegoK12.

2. What is a Student database?

A student database means a place where all the student details are been stored. It includes details like the name and address of the students, parent details. Additionally, the fee details, medical history, specific case history etc can be added by the administrators or the teachers for future reference.

3. What are the needs of a Student Database Management System?

The various modules like Attendance Management, Homework Management, Fee Records, Disciplinary Record, Grading and Marks Record, Library Record etc are greatly useful to enhance the student potential.  

4. What does the Student Database Management System do?

Student Management System is otherwise called a Student Information System(SIS). It helps manage the planning, scheduling and communication. This software is linked with the parent’s mobile app thus all the information will be communicated to the parents instantly and eradicates the communication issues. Additionally, it serves as a communication tool for the teachers and the other staff as well.

5. What are the inclusions of the Student Database Management System?
  • Tracks the attendance
  • Despatches Homework to the parents
  • Tracks the fee
  • Has a check on the grading and performance
  • Helpful to tame the student’s discipline with the discipline module
  • Push up notifications to the parent
6. How to create the Student Database Management System?

Only authorized personnel could create with word press.

7. Why do we need Homework Management System when we can send messages through the Wats app for free?

Honestly speaking, the Wats app or any other social networking application gets cramped with storage and once deleted the information cannot be retrieved at any time. But the HomeWork Management System records every piece of information sent in their dedicated server and it will be easy for 24/7 retrieval.