Educators with exceptional abilities and brilliant minds from all over the world are at the forefront of educational innovation. Our top ten educational technology websites are listed below. These blogs will teach you plenty about the latest technology for use in schools, at home, and in any part of the world. At Gegok12, we enjoy reading all of the education technology blogs we come across because there is always something new to learn.
1. Innovative education
Lisa Nielsen is a teacher and the author of The Innovative Educator. Here you’ll find information on the characteristics of imaginative educators and leaders, as well as new pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning and an overview of ground breaking leadership concepts.

2. Class plus
Class plus is the easiest to use institute management system for conducting online tests, student grades, attendance, fee management, and much more on your institute’s mobile app.

3. CoolCatteacher
CoolCatteacher is a teacher and the Director of Information Technology. Vicki is a blogger, podcaster, speaker, and motivator who uses stories from her Bring Your Device (BYOD) classroom to change people’s minds about teaching. Vicki is the creator of the famous Cool Cat Teacher Blog, and in 2014 she was named to Mashable’s Top 10 list of “Teacher Rock Stars on Twitter,” as well as Onalytica’s top female Edtech Twitter account in 2017.

4. Edutopia
Edutopia is a website created by the George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF). The foundation was established in 1991 by filmmaker George Lucas and venture capitalist Steve Arnold to “celebrate and inspire creativity” in K-12 schools. Edutopia focuses on six fundamental learning methods.
According to the definition, the program includes “Comprehensive Assessment, Integrated Studies, Project-Based Learning, Social and Emotional Learning, Teacher Development, and Technology Integration.”

5. AskIITians
Their objective is to provide engineering aspirants throughout India and abroad with the best Education services possible using the latest training tools and software

6. Careerpotli
Career Potli is used as a ‘one-stop destination to get the desired work’ in the career growth of a student from early school age

7. Careers360
Careers360 is a data-driven and technology-driven education products and services organization that enables students to discover their interests and capabilities and make educated career decisions.

8. E-School News
E-School Media provides the most up-to-date news, information, and resources to assist K-20 decision-makers in transforming education through technology and achieving their educational goals. With over 50,000 monthly readers, we are a trusted source of information on IT management, teaching and learning, district management, STEAM, and SEL

9. Whooo’s Reading
In Whooo’s Reading, students are challenged to think deeply about their reading and demonstrate their understanding by writing answers to open-ended questions. Alfonso (the WR mascot owl) gives students real-time feedback to help them improve their writing while also reminding them to answer the question and cite information from their text. Teachers can keep track of students’ progress by automatically grading these quizzes for reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, and students can receive virtual rewards to keep them motivated. Quizzes for any book or essay are available for free at Whooo’s Reading.

10.The Darling Librarian
Gwyneth Paltrow is a writer, a Tweeter, a Future Ready International Keynote EdTech & Librarian speaker, a trope and meme archivist, content designer, spokesperson, and social media resident, as well as a blogger, a Tweeter, and a Future Ready International Keynote EdTech & Librarian speaker.
Every day, new educational technology blogs appear, each with a unique perspective and unique ideas.
If you’re searching for more teaching ideas, check out our guide on Artificial Intelligence in K12 Education
