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Reforms in education are urgently needed…..
The current state of education in India is actually proving to be a significant “silent hindrance” to the country’s growth.
The educational system must be fully overhauled. Job experience and adjusting to a 21st-century skill set should be at the top of the priority list…

Other disruptive, transformative, and crucial factors in rewriting the educational system include:

Digital Transformation (DT) has affected, impacted, and shaped every area of society, including the educational system. The position, effect, and impact of DT must be understood holistically and as a ZERO-based starting point. It’s realistic, feasible, and doable; in fact, it’s the only option.

Mobile-based learning;
M-learning is useful since it can be accessed from almost anywhere. Improving literacy, numeracy, and educational engagement among young adults.
Using a mobile phone’s connectivity capabilities as part of a broader learning operation, such as uploading media or texts to a central portfolio or downloading audio files from a learning site to your phone.
Developing the skills and readiness of youth and young adults for the workforce.

Use of Virtual Reality in learning:
Augmented Reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality is the swankiest kids on the block if digital learning was the hottest information center in town. Virtual reality enables Ed-Tech students to interact directly with their study materials, resulting in higher levels of interaction and, as a result, higher levels of motivation to learn.
With the aid of virtual teachers who encourage real-time practical observation and participatory interaction instead of outmoded theories and didactic inertia, students can directly read, imbibe, and experience the ever-expanding universe of knowledge and learning.
With edutech at the helm, technology is paving the way for optimal digital calibration of a variety of sectors in India.

To learn more, click here: http://bweducation.businessworld.in/article/How-Technology-And-Innovation-Are-Transforming-Education-Paradigm-In-India-/20-04-2020-189663/

1.Changes in student distribution in class: In only one year, baseline assessment mastery improves from 29% to over 70%, and the class improves from 74% to over 70% mastery.
2.The literacy distance between students narrows: As compared to grade-level in baseline testing, students start with a 1.7-year literacy gap. However, LEAD-enabled teachers will close the gap in as little as a year, or as much as three years in some cases, as students reach grade level. Being at grade level in English is a life-changing event for students because it allows them to learn to read and write in English independently – an ability that is critical in today’s world.
3.Teacher performance improves: At the start of our intervention, teacher performance is a 2.5 on a 5-point scale. The success scales reach 4 and 4.5 by the end of the first and second years, respectively.
4.Parental Satisfaction: This is a new metric that we’ve begun to monitor. However, based on our first reading, we discovered that Parent NPS increases by 10-20 index points, owing to improved measurable learning outcomes and increased school participation.
5.Admissions to schools increase by 10-15% on average as well.

We will radically change the way schools operate and students learn using these cutting-edge methodologies. We will continue to make a difference in the standard of education available to students across India as we extend our partnership with more colleges.