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According to the Ministry of Education’s new School Bag Policy 2020, children in grades 1 to 2 should not be given homework because they are too young to sit for long periods, and they should bring a bag weighing no more than 2 kg.

More information on the School Bag Policy can be found at the following link. To learn more, go to: https://gegok12.com/school-bag-policy/

Is it better to do homework or not?
Homework was developed to promote educational growth and discipline. Homework has proven to be successful over time, according to studies. In reality, by assisting in the development of study habits, attitudes toward education, independent problem-solving skills, and more, it has exceeded its target.

The alternative isn’t to spread our homework around the entire educational system. There has been much too much study on the benefits of homework.

If you’re considering introducing a no-homework policy for your students, do some study into the homework debate to see if you’re making the right decision. You’ll also need an arsenal of evidence to argue your case if you decide to do away with homework. Here’s what you should know before you go.

The pattern of homework:-
The policy also addressed homework for students at different levels in great detail. The timetable for different groups is as follows: –
For children in grades 1 through 2, there is no homework.
Children in grades 3, 4, and 5 are limited to two hours a week. In addition, you can suggest the type of homework.
For grades 6–8, homework should be limited to one hour a day.
A maximum of two hours of homework per day is recommended for Secondary and Higher Secondary students.

For several years, homework has been a part of the educational process. Some lessons are best learned in a classroom environment, but others are best learned at home. As a general rule, a student can spend no over 10 minutes per grade level per day on lessons outside of school.

List of Reasons Why Homework Should Be Prohibited:

  1. Homework makes students’ days longer than their parent’s.
  2. There is no assurance that your academic performance will increase.
  3. Homework constraints help students avoid burnout in the classroom.
  4. Eliminating homework will allow families to spend more time together.
  5. So many homework assignments hurt student wellbeing.
  6. Eliminating homework will allow students to sleep more soundly.
  7. It will promote a variety of learning opportunities.
  8. Eliminating homework will give students more opportunities to socialize with their peers.
  9. Some students do not have a conducive home space for homework.
  10. That will end the practice of assigning work that isn’t important.

The benefits and drawbacks of banning homework are subjective until more research is done in this field. If you believe your child will benefit from a lighter workload, talk to the instructor to see if this is possible. If the conventional classroom doesn’t seem to be working for teenagers and older students, they can always try a different type of schooling, such as a vocational school or an apprenticeship.

Since no two schools serve the same form of student, each one is special. A no-homework policy in any given class may be modified one year and then abandoned the next. It all boils down to what the students want.

Is Homework Necessary for Students?
Can homework be restricted in your classroom? It is possible if you teach lower grades. Possibly not if you teach middle or high school. However, both teachers should consider their homework policies carefully. You will help your students learn better by minimizing the amount of homework they have and improving the quality of their assignments.