by Bhuvana Chandrasekar | Aug 17, 2021 | K12 Education in India
Can a teacher assist kids in providing feedback about their classrooms and teachers? If not, why not? If that’s true, what are the most effective methods? Teachers frequently have conflicting attitudes about having their students evaluate them. After all, some...
by Bhuvana Chandrasekar | Aug 13, 2021 | K12 Education in India
Teachers’ Guide to Creating Fair Classroom Debates. In the classroom, the accountable conversation promotes student-centered discussion. The accountable conversation is more than a fad in education; it is a respectful and meaningful manner of interacting in the...
by Bhuvana Chandrasekar | Aug 13, 2021 | K12 Education in India
7 Math Connections for Teachers and Students in K12 Education. Many kids find mathematics challenging, but professors who make math fun may ease some of the tension and worry. Introducing games into lesson plans is a great method for teachers to make math...
by Bhuvana Chandrasekar | Jun 9, 2021 | School Management Software
School management software designed for Indian Schools – Gegok12. GegoK12 is SaaS developed by GegoSoft focusing on automating the School Operations, improving School-Parent-Teacher Communication and serving as a Modern day Cloud ERP for School. School...