School Student database Management System
It perfectly record, digitize, organise, edit, share, and protect the information and important data of students and staff.
Manage heap of data at ease using School Student Database Management System
The school is a place with tons of data every academic year. Right from the admission form till the distribution of the promotion card. Every individual’s record is different every year. Managing a student’s profile is a nut-cracking task. Thus maintaining manual records for the students, teachers etc are not feasible. Why need to take pains when the technology has gifted us with the database management system. GegoK12 is school management software integrated with the school student database management system. This cloud-based platform is secure and reliable. GegoK12 pushes all the raw data to processed information. Hence, report generation becomes easy for the administrator and the teachers.
Students & staff’s profile
Students & staff’s credentials
Government records
Buildings records
Book & notebook records
Uniform records
Fee records
Exam marks
Events and occasions record
Circular records
PTA records etc
Key Features of School student database management system
Student information system
Coordinated and orderly information assumes an indispensable part in the school’s turn of events. Consequently, the information accessible in the students profile fills in as an essential record. The regulatory staff and instructors utilize the deliberate information to additionally reproduce reports. This problem-free information is securely overseen by cloud innovation.

Examination management system
The whole plan planning gets simpler. The administrator needs to refresh the date, class, time and schedule for each class for the forthcoming assessment. The refreshed information about the change of timetable gets shown in the parent app. Educators, students and parents can check their versatile application for test notices.
Fee Management system
Sending fee circulars through students is a sensitive task. The parents get offended by the school authorities if they refrain their wards from attending the class due to non payment of fee. Thus, the school management software sends notifications and reminders to the parents on a timely basis. This information will be helpful for the parent to keep away from late instalments. Essentially, this paperless technology will help the teachers and the administrative staff to beware of the fee defaulters. Furthermore, the parent will get normal updates on the impending term charge and the last date of the instalment.

Attendance management system
Caught up with the extremely tight schedules the Principal or the school heads will not be able to check on the student’s attendance every day. But using the School management software just with a few clicks monitoring becomes easier. The complete history of attendance gets viewed from the same place. Moreover it will be useful for taking remedial measures without delay. This software reduces absenteeism and streamlines regularity.
Effect of Faster Attendance Management
It is experienced that the system saves class teachers tedious minutes every morning calling out the class attendance and provides with the administration team on timely summaries and records of regular latecomers, absentees etc. when required.
Illustration of Report Management
The system permits for these important kinds of reports to be customized and presented in a manner that aids the decision-making process of the school administration and management team.
Discipline management system
If discipline doesn’t fall in place even a good student with high academic records is of no use. Academics and discipline go hand in hand. They are the key factors of a student. So taming the individual with good habits is mandatory. Disciplinary record is the students’ appearance. Using this discipline management system the teachers can maintain the students’ disciplinary records. The teachers can record all the misbehaviours of the student to guide him in the right way. With timely monitoring, the student can develop as a good human shortly.
Grading and report card management system
The school management software is a cloud-based platform. The complete marks history gets saved in the student database management system. Using GegoK12 the grading and report card management becomes easy and will be available any time to view.
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