School ERP resources | Online cloud ERP
Helpful resources on School ERP, School Education, School Websites, School Marketing, School Branding, Innovation in Learning, and Innovation in Teaching

The Best Ten Educational Technology Trends for 2023
The educational concept has shifted dramatically in recent years. The sector experienced significant shifts during the pandemic as technology emerged as its savior. Consequently, many engaging apps and tools have emerged, and new trends have emerged at an...

Homework App for Students: How to Manage School Homework Easily?
A tool to efficiently manage all administrative and pedagogical activities is Gegok12 cloud school management software. Homework App for Students: How to Manage School Homework Easily? On a single platform, it enables schools to digitally administer and monitor...

The Most Important Modules of School Management Software
Gegok12 improves learning through the use of innovative technology. Gegok12 excels in the field of education management software modules and offers unique modules and strong education processes that boost productivity at your school and help you manage your time...

The top EdTech market trends to expect in 2022
The education sector has changed drastically over the past few years. The top EdTech market trends to expect in 2022. The global investment in Edtech has increased from $500 million to $16.1 billion over the last decade. As per forecasts, the knowledge economy is...

Spread the Knowledge of Light with Cloud Technology
In temples and educational institutions, a number of programs and activities were held on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima in July 2022. Spread the Knowledge of Light with Cloud Technology. The day, which honored the crucial relationship between a student and...

Top Advantages of a School Mobile App – Virtual Meetings with Teachers and Parents
Top Advantages of a School Mobile App. 2022 has been dubbed "the" year that transformed the globe in a million ways, and it has had an impact on every industry. Furthermore, with the development of educational applications, learning has become far easier, simpler, and...

Top reasons to implement a School Library Management System
Top reasons to implement a School Library Management System. To begin, the library is regarded as the brain of the school. Do you want to know how the online library system works? Take a look at the Library Module in the School Management System. A library management...

The importance of a Perfect school website – Digital Evolution 2022
The school website is vital for enhancing a positive first impression because it is frequently the initial point of contact for visitors. As a result, the school website has an impact on the institution's overall image and reputation, which can lead to greater...

10 Incredible School Website Design & Development Ideas to Help You Rise to the Top
10 Incredible School Website Design & Development Ideas. A school website is much more than an internet forum of information. It serves as the entrance to your school environment, expressing the ideals and philosophy of the school. A well-designed school...

The Ultimate Guide to School Management Software for Education System
School Management Software for Education System. When it comes to handling day-to-day operations and children's education, the pandemic has forced schools to undergo massive transformations. In the span of a year, schools have gone from offline to online and back...

GegoK12 - School ERP System - 90 Days Free Trial
Get 90 Days Free Trial of GegoK12 School ERP System. No Contract, No Credit Card Required. Just signup with your official email and get started.
GegoK12 - School Management Software - Usecases Served